Saturday, March 14, 2015

An open letter to those who have rejected me

At the ripe age of twenty I've experienced my fair share of heartbreak and disappointments. I'm an open book and wear my heart on my sleeve, which invites many characters to waltz on by, give false hope, and drop the crumbled pieces off right where they found me. This leaves me wondering where I went wrong, why wasn't I good enough? 
 The truth is I am good enough. I'm just not what you were looking for or needed at this point in your life. I didn't come on too strong, and I meant every single word I said. Every time I looked into your eyes, and you saw the raw and honest truth shining back at you. I meant every touch, every glance every laugh, everything. You led me to believe you meant yours too, and maybe you did at the time- but your feelings faded quickly away while mine lingered. 
  Maybe my flaw is falling too quickly, trusting you with my heart before you showed your true colors. Looking back, I don't regret any of the moments we spent together. It hurts, thinking of the good times, and knowing that it wasn't enough to make you stay. I truly hope you find your happiness, wherever and whoever it lies in. But it hurts knowing that I will not be the one to provide that happiness. I saw you in my future, but now I know that I was not intended to be a part of yours.
  I'm not writing this out of bitterness, or to lash out at you for choosing a different path. I need to clear my head and my heart of your presence. Every experience, moment of happiness and heartbreak has placed me on the path I currently walk on. I have faith that eventually, in time, someone will stumble onto my path and have the same intentions and feelings as I do. Until then I'll continue to laugh, smile, and enjoy the life in front of me.